We’re always on the lookout for great people to work with. If you can supply us with the goods and services, we require that are genuine 'value for money' then we’d like to hear from you.
This section should give you some idea as to what we require from our suppliers, the way we work and how we appoint key suppliers and contractors.
As a public service provider, Trent & Dove is subject to public procurement rules and guidelines. We utilise Xantive Tender Manager as a tender management tool.
This allows the service to be truly transparent and is an easy-to-use tool for all tenderers and suppliers. This guides and simplifies the tender process from the initial advertisement to the contractual award.
Suppliers and contractors can register through the Xantive Tender Manager system by following this process:
For support on accessing the system contact techsupport@geometrasystems.co.uk
Any questions on the tender itself must be raised through the Messages Menu item inside the tender system itself. The Xantive system is designed to highlight all required stages of the tender process.
For more information regarding our tender opportunities or working with us, please contact our procurement team by email: procurement@trentanddove.org