Fall prevention
Become a fall fighter
Falls can affect people of any age, but as we grow older, we are more likely to fall and suffer serious injury as a result.
Individual factors such as muscle weakness, deterioration of eyesight, poor balance, and taking multiple medications, combined with environmental hazards such as slippery or uneven floors, trip hazards, and poor footwear can all increase the likelihood of a fall.
On average, people aged 65 have a one in three chance of having a fall every year. The likelihood rises with age and by the time people reach 80 the probability is 50% annually.
People who experience a fall may be affected in a variety of ways. Falls can cause physical injuries ranging from minor scrapes and bruising to more severe injuries needing hospital treatment. It's not always the injuries that are the most disabling, the loss of confidence after a fall may be just as damaging. Many people who have fallen experience a fear of subsequent falls deterring them from going out or taking part in regular activities.
Trent & Dove offers a fall prevention service that aims to recognise and address fall risks.
We are offering free, fall prevention home visits to people living in Trent & Dove properties if they are aged over sixty, or if a person is particularly vulnerable to falls.
The visit is designed to introduce simple, effective, and low-cost control measures that can reduce the chance of a fall and help our customers feel safer in their homes.
For more information or to book a free, fall prevention home visit, please complete the form below.
Free online training with RoSPA
You can complete the Fall Fighter training online with RoSPA, here.